What is Data-Centric?
Our Video and Web Resource Library of all things Data-Centric.
What is Data-Centric?
It’s the opposite of application centric. Data is at the center with applications built around it.
Fundamentally, this data centric architecture is a mindset shift. At its core it acknowledges data’s valuable and versatile role in the larger enterprise and industry ecosystem and treats information and seamless knowledge sharing as a core asset.
Organizations are moving towards data eco-systems like Data Fabric and Data Mesh. Data-centric concepts serve as the foundational building blocks.
Three of our most popular videos to educate further
A Business Case Demo for Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph
Mark Wallace
Senior Ontologist, Semantic Arts
Thomas Cook
Sales Director, AnzoGraph DB
What Industries are Implementing?
Every industry could benefit from dissolving information silos, reducing systems complexity while radically lowering integration debt.
Stories of Data-Centric adoption
Resources to Further Explore the Power of Knowledge Graphs
Semantic Arts
The Data-Centric Transformation Space.
A place to learn from the innovators of the data-centric community.
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